your Stronghold 3 source
Preview - PCGZine: In seinen Grundfesten erschüttern
Gameplay will still be the mix of castle building and economy management as fans have seen befor, but rather than, utilising the tile build structure, now everything is fully realised in 3D, allowing complete engineering control, and with the ability to build walls, keeps, peasant housing, etc in any direction, forming any pattern possible.Zitat:
The original antagonist is back, despite many believing he was dead, and he's begun besieging and infiltrating castles at night, a big no-no during the middle ages.Zitat:
Different times of day will feature during scenarios, but the team has just stopped short of implementing a fulkl day/night cycle, so they can implement the strategic implications of fading light much more accurately. Time of day indicates the ratio of fog of war - or darkness of doom as we much prefer to call it . which can only be penetrated by fire via a scout's torch or a lit hay bale.zum Preview (pdf, 12MB)
15.08.2010 20:52 von joe
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